Best Way To Train Your Concentration ~ Pomodoro Technique

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Do you have trouble concentrating?

A few months ago I noticed that my concentration was getting worse and worse. I just couldn’t focus long enough on just one thing without getting distracted. The biggest cause of my distraction was social media. 

Because of the constant scrolling and the ability to do a lot of different things at once, it was like my brain is constantly hopping from one thing to another. I guess it is because I got used to always start different tasks at once and my attention span was short.

Do you have trouble concentrating?

A few months ago I noticed that my concentration was getting worse and worse. I just couldn’t focus long enough on just one thing without getting distracted. The biggest cause of my distraction was social media. 

Because of the constant scrolling and the ability to do a lot of different things at once, it was like my brain is constantly hopping from one thing to another. I guess it is because I got used to always start different tasks at once and my attention span was short.

These Are The Steps For A Successful One-Day Trip

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When was the last time you went on a one day trip?

With the job, family and other obligations squeezing in a trip can be quite hard. Well, when the travel bug starts to make you only think about all the places you want to visit, a day trip might be the right option. 

I know that a one-day trip has its positive and negative sides and that some people just don’t like having a one-day trip. In this post, I will try to break down the way you can have an enjoyable one-day trip even as soon as the next month. 

When was the last time you went on a one day trip?

With the job, family and other obligations squeezing in a trip can be quite hard. Well, when the travel bug starts to make you only think about all the places you want to visit, a day trip might be the right option. 

I know that a one-day trip has its positive and negative sides and that some people just don’t like having a one-day trip. In this post, I will try to break down the way you can have an enjoyable one-day trip even as soon as the next month. 

4 Things Anyone Can Do To Get Rid Of A Bad Habit

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Are you a slave of a bad habit? 

The first thing that came into your mind after you read this question is the bad habit that is probably slowly ruining your life. As small or as big, bad habits have the ability to take you away from meaningful things that are waiting for you in your life. Having a bad habit isn’t something you should feel ashamed off, we as humans are weak and unfortunately we can accept bad habits faster than the good ones. 

Although there is no reason to be ashamed it important that you are actively trying to get rid of that habit and not only passively give up and let it lead your life. Bad habits are hard but possible to break, as soon as you understand that you will be able to take a step into a right direction.

Are you a slave of a bad habit? 

The first thing that came into your mind after you read this question is the bad habit that is probably slowly ruining your life. As small or as big, bad habits have the ability to take you away from meaningful things that are waiting for you in your life. Having a bad habit isn’t something you should feel ashamed off, we as humans are weak and unfortunately we can accept bad habits faster than the good ones. 

Although there is no reason to be ashamed it important that you are actively trying to get rid of that habit and not only passively give up and let it lead your life. Bad habits are hard but possible to break, as soon as you understand that you will be able to take a step into a right direction.

Why You Should Stop Multitasking

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Now more than ever we feel like we need to have all aspects of our lives under control. We are juggling work, family, friends, hobbies, personal development and dreams all at once. How wouldn’t we feel lost when it often feels like time is flying by, we are getting older and older and still running around trying to hold our lives in the right direction. 

Now more than ever we feel like we need to have all aspects of our lives under control. We are juggling work, family, friends, hobbies, personal development and dreams all at once. How wouldn’t we feel lost when it often feels like time is flying by, we are getting older and older and still running around trying to hold our lives in the right direction. 

Put An End To Impulsive Shopping While Asking These Simple Questions

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Shopping is something that a lot of people find therapeutic and fun to do. Although shopping may be fun it shouldn't became something exaggerated. There are a lot of other things someone could do in replace of therapy and fun that shopping might present for them. Shopping isn’t only affecting your whole lifestyle, financial, emotional and physical it is also very damaging to the whole World because more things mean more waste. 

While I do understand that some people have trouble putting an end to impulsive shopping I believe that the questions I’m going to share with you in this post could help anyone who is brave enough to reflect and realize that they are themselves impulsive shoppers and that it isn't benefiting them in any way. If you are one of them and you are willing to make a change I congratulate you as you are making step in the right direction. 

Shopping is something that a lot of people find therapeutic and fun to do. Although shopping may be fun it shouldn't became something exaggerated. There are a lot of other things someone could do in replace of therapy and fun that shopping might present for them. Shopping isn’t only affecting your whole lifestyle, financial, emotional and physical it is also very damaging to the whole World because more things mean more waste. 

While I do understand that some people have trouble putting an end to impulsive shopping I believe that the questions I’m going to share with you in this post could help anyone who is brave enough to reflect and realize that they are themselves impulsive shoppers and that it isn't benefiting them in any way. If you are one of them and you are willing to make a change I congratulate you as you are making step in the right direction. 

Going Through Life At Your Own Pace

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Do you feel like you are one step behind everyone else? 

It is like you are constantly finding and loosing yourself over and over again. Wandering around not knowing where you are headed or where you want to end up. No matter how old you are or how many things you’ve accomplished throughout your life you probably felt this way at least once. I believe that this is the feeling that more and more people are getting. 

Something that always surprises me is the fact that I am always learning something new about others but particularly about myself. As soon as I thought that I figured myself out it ends up that it was only a top of the iceberg. We tend to forget that life is a journey. Just because we think that we got to our destination doesn’t mean that the journey is over. 

Do you feel like you are one step behind everyone else? 

It is like you are constantly finding and loosing yourself over and over again. Wandering around not knowing where you are headed or where you want to end up. No matter how old you are or how many things you’ve accomplished throughout your life you probably felt this way at least once. I believe that this is the feeling that more and more people are getting. 

Something that always surprises me is the fact that I am always learning something new about others but particularly about myself. As soon as I thought that I figured myself out it ends up that it was only a top of the iceberg. We tend to forget that life is a journey. Just because we think that we got to our destination doesn’t mean that the journey is over. 

Adult Peer Pressure Is Real & We Need To Talk About It

Thursday, October 10, 2019

When you hear about the “peer pressure” what is the first thing that comes into your mind? 

For a long time the first thing I thought about was the peer pressure in the teenage years. What I had in mind was the pressure that is imposed by the group of teenagers who think that they can pressure others to do and think the same way that they do. Just recently I realized that peer pressure isn’t only limited to the adolescence it is present in most stages of human life. 

When you hear about the “peer pressure” what is the first thing that comes into your mind? 

For a long time the first thing I thought about was the peer pressure in the teenage years. What I had in mind was the pressure that is imposed by the group of teenagers who think that they can pressure others to do and think the same way that they do. Just recently I realized that peer pressure isn’t only limited to the adolescence it is present in most stages of human life. 

Dealing With Punches Life Throws At Us

Monday, September 30, 2019

How many times did life throw a curveball at you? 

I'm sure that there's been quite a few of those moments and that you would rather keep it in the past. The way we deal with those kind of situations is what is crucial and what makes us or breaks us. Dealing with punches that life throws at us definitely isn't easy but there are better ways to receive them. 

How many times did life throw a curveball at you? 

I'm sure that there's been quite a few of those moments and that you would rather keep it in the past. The way we deal with those kind of situations is what is crucial and what makes us or breaks us. Dealing with punches that life throws at us definitely isn't easy but there are better ways to receive them. 

Ups & Downs Of Working From Home

Monday, September 23, 2019

Are you working from home? 

Most people dream about working from the comfort of their own home. It is a dream that a lot of people accomplished and love but some didn't find it the right choice for them. I would be lying if I said that I’ve never thought about it and I'm sure that a lot of you who are reading this post are curious about it. 

When I first started to think about it I could only find positive things that made me find this job as a perfect one. Something I forgot is that there isn't such a thing as a perfect job. While working from home I've got to realize a few things that I want to share with you. 

Are you working from home? 

Most people dream about working from the comfort of their own home. It is a dream that a lot of people accomplished and love but some didn't find it the right choice for them. I would be lying if I said that I’ve never thought about it and I'm sure that a lot of you who are reading this post are curious about it. 

When I first started to think about it I could only find positive things that made me find this job as a perfect one. Something I forgot is that there isn't such a thing as a perfect job. While working from home I've got to realize a few things that I want to share with you. 

Do You Have More Negative Than Positive Thoughts? Here’s How To Make A Change!

Friday, September 6, 2019

We all sometimes feel rather negative. It might be because of the things that are currently happening in our life or just because we got used to thinking that way. It is sort of a coping mechanism for the life. Negative thoughts once in a while are completely normal but what when they start to show up every day?

We all sometimes feel rather negative. It might be because of the things that are currently happening in our life or just because we got used to thinking that way. It is sort of a coping mechanism for the life. Negative thoughts once in a while are completely normal but what when they start to show up every day?