Motivational Monday Quote(s) #36

Monday, November 24, 2014

I know that every Monday I write about motivation, positiveness and inspiration. But these couples of weeks I wasn't feeling very motivated. Actually I still don't feel like that. I don't have energy for basic things. And I really didn't want to write about motivation when I don't feel that way. 

Quotes like this used to help me bust my motivation but they don't work anymore. I know that I'll get my motivation back. I'm sure that many of you have or have had days like this and I think that it's completely normal. We can't be happy and motivated all the time.

As the Christmas holiday are coming closer and closer I have a lot of work in school. And I'm little bit, actually a lot stressed because I'm afraid that I won't achieve everything that I want to. Although I am really good in school and I'm proud of how I started this year. I'm always over thinking everything. It's really bad. 

But yeah I just wanted to write this post to let you know that it's normal to have days like this and that I'm sure everything will turn out great. If you're feeling unmotivated or have bad day I hope that this quotes made you a little bit more happy and inspired. 


I know that every Monday I write about motivation, positiveness and inspiration. But these couples of weeks I wasn't feeling very motivated. Actually I still don't feel like that. I don't have energy for basic things. And I really didn't want to write about motivation when I don't feel that way. 

Quotes like this used to help me bust my motivation but they don't work anymore. I know that I'll get my motivation back. I'm sure that many of you have or have had days like this and I think that it's completely normal. We can't be happy and motivated all the time.

As the Christmas holiday are coming closer and closer I have a lot of work in school. And I'm little bit, actually a lot stressed because I'm afraid that I won't achieve everything that I want to. Although I am really good in school and I'm proud of how I started this year. I'm always over thinking everything. It's really bad. 

But yeah I just wanted to write this post to let you know that it's normal to have days like this and that I'm sure everything will turn out great. If you're feeling unmotivated or have bad day I hope that this quotes made you a little bit more happy and inspired. 


{diy} Autumn Banner

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

 Couple of weeks ago I was scrolling through Pinterest for some simple Autumn DIY's. I run into this cute Banner one. I thought that this would be perfect for my room. I didn't do exactly as it was explained on the site. I adjusted it so that I could make it faster and easier but equally beautiful. 

♥ So the first thing that I did was drawing a pennant on paper. In size that I wanted them to be. I wanted them to be smaller. Then I cut it out. You can found them free online if you don't want to draw them. 

 Then I found the old clothes that I no longer used. I find pattern that I liked and held the paper pennant on it and cut it out. Do it slowly because it's not easy to cut cloth. I used just two patterns but you can use as many as you like. 

After that I ironed them so that they are not wrinkled. Now iron down your top to create the flap. Repeat that with all of your patterns. 

♥ I cut a length of jute rope and arranged them. I put a little bit of glue so that it holds firm.

Now you just need to find place to hang them. I think that it looks really cute above my bed. I hope that you liked this diy and that you'll try it out. If you do be sure to send me your pictures on my Twitter.


 Couple of weeks ago I was scrolling through Pinterest for some simple Autumn DIY's. I run into this cute Banner one. I thought that this would be perfect for my room. I didn't do exactly as it was explained on the site. I adjusted it so that I could make it faster and easier but equally beautiful. 

♥ So the first thing that I did was drawing a pennant on paper. In size that I wanted them to be. I wanted them to be smaller. Then I cut it out. You can found them free online if you don't want to draw them. 

 Then I found the old clothes that I no longer used. I find pattern that I liked and held the paper pennant on it and cut it out. Do it slowly because it's not easy to cut cloth. I used just two patterns but you can use as many as you like. 

After that I ironed them so that they are not wrinkled. Now iron down your top to create the flap. Repeat that with all of your patterns. 

♥ I cut a length of jute rope and arranged them. I put a little bit of glue so that it holds firm.

Now you just need to find place to hang them. I think that it looks really cute above my bed. I hope that you liked this diy and that you'll try it out. If you do be sure to send me your pictures on my Twitter.


Simple Little Things

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Is it just me or when you look at this picture it moves. I took this photo accidentally. 

This week went so quickly. Maybe because there was a lot going on. Whatever the case is I can tell that this was a pretty good week. I've been really enjoying this autumn days. Walking while listening to the rustling leaves with each step...very poetically described.

♥ There was a few days in this week when my two friend and I had a free time after school. On such days we are talking about weirdest things. I mean like we have craziest topics. If somebody heard us their would think that we are totally nuts. We even played bottle of truth and there was really awkward questions. It's amazing how we always have so much fun together. It was nice time after hard day at school.

♥ I've been enjoying watching Joe Sugg Outlast videos. They are so scary. And the thing that you need to know about me is that I'm not a fan of scary things. I've never watched horror movie. Watching Outlast was so creepy and scary. I really love watching it although I think that I would have heart attack if I played it. 

♥ Today I was walking around and my cats were following me. Every time I stop they would come and cuddle. I love them so much. Every time when I'm in their company I feel so relaxed. At the other hand I was playing with my dog too, and it was so much fun. So whenever somebody asks me who do I love more cats or dog I tell them that I can't choose between them. They are so special to me in such a different way. 

♥ I've been listening Taylor Swift album non-stop. I knew that she was talented but I didn't expect this album to be so good. I enjoy every single song. It's truth when they say that when you're happy you enjoy the music but when you're sad you understand lyrics. Taylor's songs are amazing in both ways.

♥ This was the best of my week and it was Book Fair. I wrote full post about it on Friday immediately after I got home. I had such a amazing time. It was such a blast to be surrounded by so many books. I didn't know where to look. It really reminded me why I love book and reading so much. 

Is it just me or when you look at this picture it moves. I took this photo accidentally. 

This week went so quickly. Maybe because there was a lot going on. Whatever the case is I can tell that this was a pretty good week. I've been really enjoying this autumn days. Walking while listening to the rustling leaves with each step...very poetically described.

♥ There was a few days in this week when my two friend and I had a free time after school. On such days we are talking about weirdest things. I mean like we have craziest topics. If somebody heard us their would think that we are totally nuts. We even played bottle of truth and there was really awkward questions. It's amazing how we always have so much fun together. It was nice time after hard day at school.

♥ I've been enjoying watching Joe Sugg Outlast videos. They are so scary. And the thing that you need to know about me is that I'm not a fan of scary things. I've never watched horror movie. Watching Outlast was so creepy and scary. I really love watching it although I think that I would have heart attack if I played it. 

♥ Today I was walking around and my cats were following me. Every time I stop they would come and cuddle. I love them so much. Every time when I'm in their company I feel so relaxed. At the other hand I was playing with my dog too, and it was so much fun. So whenever somebody asks me who do I love more cats or dog I tell them that I can't choose between them. They are so special to me in such a different way. 

♥ I've been listening Taylor Swift album non-stop. I knew that she was talented but I didn't expect this album to be so good. I enjoy every single song. It's truth when they say that when you're happy you enjoy the music but when you're sad you understand lyrics. Taylor's songs are amazing in both ways.

♥ This was the best of my week and it was Book Fair. I wrote full post about it on Friday immediately after I got home. I had such a amazing time. It was such a blast to be surrounded by so many books. I didn't know where to look. It really reminded me why I love book and reading so much. 


Book Fair

Friday, November 14, 2014

I just got home from Book Fair and I decided to write about all that. So every year in Zagreb is a big book fair called "Interliber". It contains several halls with many publishers. You can found all types of books for really good prices. It's a heaven for book worms like myself. 

I went with my school. My friend who is a real book lover and I were running around and like touching  every single book. We like different book types. It was fun to watch how happy and excited she was when she found books that she wanted to read. We went to all halls several times and stopped by every bookstall. At the end we were because didn't know in which halls we saw books that we liked. She end up buying 6 books, and I bought 3.

I bought The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I already watched the film and I really wonted to read the book. I bought it for very good price, and I can't wait to start reading it. Second book that I bought was Daring to Dream by Nora Roberts. I actually bought this book for my cousins birthday that is this weekend. And the last one I bought for my brother and it's Spy High by A. J. Butcher. 

I wish that I have time to buy more but I didn't. We had just 2 and a half hour, and that is very little time. There was a lot of people and it was so hot. Our legs hurt because we walked so much and we were very tired.So I bought just one book for myself. I'm sad because I couldn't find books from my book wishlist. But after all it was very nice. I enjoyed to see so many books and surprised how many people nowadays loves to read. 


I just got home from Book Fair and I decided to write about all that. So every year in Zagreb is a big book fair called "Interliber". It contains several halls with many publishers. You can found all types of books for really good prices. It's a heaven for book worms like myself. 

I went with my school. My friend who is a real book lover and I were running around and like touching  every single book. We like different book types. It was fun to watch how happy and excited she was when she found books that she wanted to read. We went to all halls several times and stopped by every bookstall. At the end we were because didn't know in which halls we saw books that we liked. She end up buying 6 books, and I bought 3.

I bought The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I already watched the film and I really wonted to read the book. I bought it for very good price, and I can't wait to start reading it. Second book that I bought was Daring to Dream by Nora Roberts. I actually bought this book for my cousins birthday that is this weekend. And the last one I bought for my brother and it's Spy High by A. J. Butcher. 

I wish that I have time to buy more but I didn't. We had just 2 and a half hour, and that is very little time. There was a lot of people and it was so hot. Our legs hurt because we walked so much and we were very tired.So I bought just one book for myself. I'm sad because I couldn't find books from my book wishlist. But after all it was very nice. I enjoyed to see so many books and surprised how many people nowadays loves to read. 


Essence Eyeliner Pen

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I wasn't really eyeliner fan. I didn't own any of them because I thought that it's for those that do they makeup better then me. When my best friend started to wear eyeliner I was impressed how good it looked like on her. I ask her for advice and she said that I should try it out. So we went at a local drugstore. I run into this Essence Eyeliner Pen and mascara that I reviewed couples weeks ago on a discount. I decided to give it a try. 

Of course at first I wasn't very good at it but as I wore it more I was getting better and better. I was surprised how easy it is to apply. The liner has a big nib that is firm. It has a very small point that is allowing very neat and precise thin line. That is exactly that I was hoping to get from eyeliner. I think that liner is perfectly wet and it dries fast. I don't need to go back over the line. It says that it have original japanese ink. So after all I really like this eyeliner as I am new at eyeliner I think that it's really good for me. It stays a good amount of time. I don't have to compare it with any other liners so I can't say that it is perfect but I like it. 


I wasn't really eyeliner fan. I didn't own any of them because I thought that it's for those that do they makeup better then me. When my best friend started to wear eyeliner I was impressed how good it looked like on her. I ask her for advice and she said that I should try it out. So we went at a local drugstore. I run into this Essence Eyeliner Pen and mascara that I reviewed couples weeks ago on a discount. I decided to give it a try. 

Of course at first I wasn't very good at it but as I wore it more I was getting better and better. I was surprised how easy it is to apply. The liner has a big nib that is firm. It has a very small point that is allowing very neat and precise thin line. That is exactly that I was hoping to get from eyeliner. I think that liner is perfectly wet and it dries fast. I don't need to go back over the line. It says that it have original japanese ink. So after all I really like this eyeliner as I am new at eyeliner I think that it's really good for me. It stays a good amount of time. I don't have to compare it with any other liners so I can't say that it is perfect but I like it. 


Motivational Monday Quote #35

Monday, November 10, 2014

There are days in life when I don't want to do anything. I just want to rest. I'm sure that you have days like this too.  Sometimes life can be a little bit tens. It can be all too much for me.   I found that in that kind of situations I just need to clear my mind. 

I hate when I got in stage when everything is so hard and difficult and I'm feeling so tired. It makes me even worse if I think about my day and I realize that I didn't do anything productive. 

I've been in that kind of mood last week. I felt so unmotivated and tired of everything. With school, homework, tests and private life going on  I was really stressed. Then I realized that sometimes it's good to step back and relax for a little bit. Take time for myself and just clear my mind. Because there is nothing good in stressing. 

I think that it's important to stop for a minute and take a big breath.  And after we rested and charged our batteries go back to our lives. We need to focus on important things and don't let bad things to put us down. Fully motivated and ready for any tasks or our duties.  


There are days in life when I don't want to do anything. I just want to rest. I'm sure that you have days like this too.  Sometimes life can be a little bit tens. It can be all too much for me.   I found that in that kind of situations I just need to clear my mind. 

I hate when I got in stage when everything is so hard and difficult and I'm feeling so tired. It makes me even worse if I think about my day and I realize that I didn't do anything productive. 

I've been in that kind of mood last week. I felt so unmotivated and tired of everything. With school, homework, tests and private life going on  I was really stressed. Then I realized that sometimes it's good to step back and relax for a little bit. Take time for myself and just clear my mind. Because there is nothing good in stressing. 

I think that it's important to stop for a minute and take a big breath.  And after we rested and charged our batteries go back to our lives. We need to focus on important things and don't let bad things to put us down. Fully motivated and ready for any tasks or our duties.  
