4 Simple Ways To Be Happier

Friday, August 12, 2016

Nobody want so to be sad or to feel down. I find myself to be a pretty happy and cheerful person but sometimes we all have those days. Days when you need some help with happiness. I want to share with you simple things that always make me feel better. They are so little that sometimes we can overlook them. 

  • Smile ~ I honestly think that smile is the best cure. Even when you are not feeling cheerful just put a smile on your face. Watch funny videos or do anything that you know will instantly put a smile on your face. I like to play and cuddle with my pets as they always cheer me up.

  • Show gratitude ~ In today’s world in one moment you can have everything and in the other nothing at all. Don just be grateful for the material stuff be grateful for love, friendship, health and family as those are the thing that really matter. Knowing that somebody doesn’t have that for me is devastating. So don’t just be grateful , show it.   

  • Spend time in nature ~ I don’t know about you but everything about nature makes me feel so much happier. It’s my perfect escape from the hectic world that we are living in. Taking even a 5 minute long walk through the woods or by the river is regenerating for me. That time I like to spend alone without checking my phone. Just nature and me.

  • Be positive ~  Sharing positive vibe  with others and genuinely being positive is the best thing that you can do. Don’t ever let anybody’s negativity change you for the worse. Always try to see good in everything and take yourself out of any poisoned environment . 

Hope that this 4 simple ways to be happier are going to be useful. Feeling down once in a while is normal but don't let it stay for to long. As well for the negativity because a negative mind will never give you a positive life.

Do you have any tips for being happy? 
From 4 of these which one is your favorite one?
