January Resolution!

Monday, January 2, 2017

You all know that I'm all about taking little steps in improving your life and growing as a person. I decided to make a one resolution at the beginning of every month. That way I'm going to try to make little changes that will benefit me in a long term.  

1. Drink more water

For my first resolution I chose to drink more water. We all know how important water is for your body and health. I realized that I used to forgot to drink enough water and that's something I really want to change. Through the whole January I'm going to try and drink at least 2 liters of water each day. 

There is so many benefits that drinking enough water every day does for you and your body. Some of them are it helps in loosing weight, boosting energy, make your skin look healthy, cure headache and so much more. The reason that I decided to give it more attention is precisely because I want to take care of my health. 

I really hope that you'll join me and that we are going  to this resolutions together. I wanted to start with something easier but as important. I would definitely like to know if you chose some other resolution for this month. 

Have you made any resolutions for January?