Motivational Monday Quote #46

Monday, February 23, 2015

Stress, over thinking and worrying is something we all went or are going through. I definitely do. Sometimes we are worrying about small things but sometimes they can be very important. Last week I got stressed about school and what I want to be when I grow up. All of these questions and decisions scares me so much. Next year I need to know in which college I want to go. I think that this is hardest decision ever. I want to go on a good college where I'll be happy but also that after I finish it I'll have good job that I'll like to do. 

Stress, over thinking and worrying is something we all went or are going through. I definitely do. Sometimes we are worrying about small things but sometimes they can be very important. Last week I got stressed about school and what I want to be when I grow up. All of these questions and decisions scares me so much. Next year I need to know in which college I want to go. I think that this is hardest decision ever. I want to go on a good college where I'll be happy but also that after I finish it I'll have good job that I'll like to do.