Things To Do This Winter

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It's December and I honestly don't even know where this year went. I feel like yesterday I was waiting for 2014 to come. I'm not in full Christmas spirit yet because I still have school. I have it till 23rd of  December. So I'm counting down till this day. I'm super excited for because then is my birthday too. But until then I wanted to write about things that I want to do this winter and feel more in a Christmas spirit. 

        ♥ Drink a lot of tee and hot chocolate
        ♥ Wear sweaters and scarves
        ♥ Cuddle up and watch movies
        ♥ Enjoy the Holidays
        ♥ Eat a lot of yummy food
        ♥ Listen Christmas songs
        ♥ Cut out snowflakes
        ♥ Build snowman
        ♥ Light candles 
        ♥ Read a book
        ♥ Bake cookies 
        ♥ Make a handmade gift
        ♥ Take a walk in the snow
        ♥ Spend a time with family and friends
        ♥ Have a snowball fighting
        ♥ Make snow angels 
        ♥ Send Christmas cards
            Decorate Christmas tree

As you can see I want to do a lot of things this winter. I hope that I'll manage to do them and that this winter and holidays will be amazing.

What things do you want to do this winter?


It's December and I honestly don't even know where this year went. I feel like yesterday I was waiting for 2014 to come. I'm not in full Christmas spirit yet because I still have school. I have it till 23rd of  December. So I'm counting down till this day. I'm super excited for because then is my birthday too. But until then I wanted to write about things that I want to do this winter and feel more in a Christmas spirit. 

        ♥ Drink a lot of tee and hot chocolate
        ♥ Wear sweaters and scarves
        ♥ Cuddle up and watch movies
        ♥ Enjoy the Holidays
        ♥ Eat a lot of yummy food
        ♥ Listen Christmas songs
        ♥ Cut out snowflakes
        ♥ Build snowman
        ♥ Light candles 
        ♥ Read a book
        ♥ Bake cookies 
        ♥ Make a handmade gift
        ♥ Take a walk in the snow
        ♥ Spend a time with family and friends
        ♥ Have a snowball fighting
        ♥ Make snow angels 
        ♥ Send Christmas cards
            Decorate Christmas tree

As you can see I want to do a lot of things this winter. I hope that I'll manage to do them and that this winter and holidays will be amazing.

What things do you want to do this winter?
