Things I've Stopped Buying & Reasons Why

Monday, April 1, 2019

We live in a world where almost everything is focused on selling and buying. The consumerism is rooted in our lives. We are surrounded by so many materialistic things and a lot of people don’t know when it’s a right time to stop. I realized that throughout last year I stopped buying a lot of things that I would normally buy without even thinking about it. I shifted my perspective on the materialism and consumer society. It’s easy to get lost in all the ads and marketing trick that are trying to get us buying thing that we don’t even need or at least not in that way.

We live in a world where almost everything is focused on selling and buying. The consumerism is rooted in our lives. We are surrounded by so many materialistic things and a lot of people don’t know when it’s a right time to stop. I realized that throughout last year I stopped buying a lot of things that I would normally buy without even thinking about it. I shifted my perspective on the materialism and consumer society. It’s easy to get lost in all the ads and marketing trick that are trying to get us buying thing that we don’t even need or at least not in that way.

How to Be a Supportive Friend

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Finding a person you can truly call a friends is very special and you should feel blessed if you are one of those people. Connecting with someone on that level is not an easy thing to do. Some people just don’t get what being a real friend means. It’s definitely a relationship that requires a lot of patience and work. Maintaining a close friendship throughout the years is challenging but also very rewarding. Sometimes while we deal with our own problems we can neglect our best friend who is also going through hard time. So how to be a supportive friend even through those kind of times? 

Finding a person you can truly call a friends is very special and you should feel blessed if you are one of those people. Connecting with someone on that level is not an easy thing to do. Some people just don’t get what being a real friend means. It’s definitely a relationship that requires a lot of patience and work. Maintaining a close friendship throughout the years is challenging but also very rewarding. Sometimes while we deal with our own problems we can neglect our best friend who is also going through hard time. So how to be a supportive friend even through those kind of times? 

3 Ways to Push Through “I don’t feel like it” Mindset

Monday, March 25, 2019

Sometimes we can be our own enemies. We put barriers in front of us without even realizing it. Our mind is a mysterious thing. In one moment you can be the most confident and inspired person alive and in another you can feel lost and like you don’t know what to do next. One of the most common mindsets that is probably holding you back right now is the thought of not feeling like doing something. This is something that I believe all of us struggle or have struggled with at one point in our lives. The hardest thing about it is that it’s never the same and you can’t really know when it’ll appear. So what to do when it does come? 

Sometimes we can be our own enemies. We put barriers in front of us without even realizing it. Our mind is a mysterious thing. In one moment you can be the most confident and inspired person alive and in another you can feel lost and like you don’t know what to do next. One of the most common mindsets that is probably holding you back right now is the thought of not feeling like doing something. This is something that I believe all of us struggle or have struggled with at one point in our lives. The hardest thing about it is that it’s never the same and you can’t really know when it’ll appear. So what to do when it does come? 

3 Podcasts Worth Listening To

Friday, March 22, 2019

Podcasts definitely became quite popular in last few years. It seems like everybody is either talking about them or having their own. There are so many of them about everything and anything you can think about. I know how hard it can be to find the ones that you’ll enjoy listening to for a long period of time. I definitely tried to listen to some in the past and they just didn’t work for me. We are all interested in different fields and thankfully the variety of podcasts is incredible. As helpful as it is to have a lot of options it can also be quite confusing and frustrating. After a long time of searching for the right podcasts for me here are just 3 of which I think are worth listening to. 

Podcasts definitely became quite popular in last few years. It seems like everybody is either talking about them or having their own. There are so many of them about everything and anything you can think about. I know how hard it can be to find the ones that you’ll enjoy listening to for a long period of time. I definitely tried to listen to some in the past and they just didn’t work for me. We are all interested in different fields and thankfully the variety of podcasts is incredible. As helpful as it is to have a lot of options it can also be quite confusing and frustrating. After a long time of searching for the right podcasts for me here are just 3 of which I think are worth listening to.