Is your bookshelf overflowing, yet the thought of starting a new book feels like a chore?
Reading is a wonderful way to escape reality, but sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to pick up that book. We’ve all been there: You start reading and then get distracted by your phone or someone walks into the room, causing you to put down your book then a few days, then weeks and months pass and you haven’t finished a single book.
This is a book lovers nightmare and as much as I don’t want to admit it, I’ve been there. The good thing is that I found some proven ways that helped me and can help you get out of the reading slump.
1. Pick up an Old Favorite
If you’re in a reading slump, chances are that it’s because you haven’t been enjoying the books that you’ve been trying to read. But if there’s one thing I know about readers and book lovers, it’s that nothing puts us back into our happy place more than picking up an old favorite. Check out your bookshelves and reach for any of your beloved books that you just can’t put down once you start reading them.
2. Try Out a Genre You’ve Never Read Before
The next time you’re feeling stuck in a reading slump, try out a book by an author you’ve never read before. Or maybe give a genre that isn’t typically your cup of tea (historical fiction, sci-fi) a try. We often reach only for one book genre and miss out on the excitement that other genres have. If you are a contemporary romance reader, picking up a fantasy romance book might be exactly what you need to spark that joy that only reading can bring.
If none of those tips work, then…
3. Read Something Shorter Than You Normally Would
Reading something shorter than you normally would is a great way to get out of a reading slump. If you’re used to reading fantasy novels, try picking up a graphic novel or an illustrated book instead. Or vice versa: if you usually read fiction, try non-fiction for a change! Sometimes seeing a book that has over 400 pages can be too overwhelming. Picking up a book of poetry or essays that you can binge-read in a few hours might be the best way for you to quickly get out of the reading slump.
4. Watch Booktube
Watching what others are reading can make you want to get back into reading as well. Booktube and booktok have become huge in the last few years. Following those who like similar genres to you can not only help you pick a book again but also make it easier for you to find books that you will enjoy reading.

5. Join Book Club
Surrounding yourself with fellow bookworms can help you find joy in reading again. Having a monthly challenge where you read the same book and then discuss it will create a sense of accountability and make you want to finish the book faster. There are a lot of book clubs you can join online or even better start one with your friends.
6. Find a Reading Nook
Having a spot where you read can help you get back into the reading state of mind. This is important because it will help you get into a rhythm, which will make it easier for you to focus on the book and not on what else might be going on in your life at the moment. Plus, it’s just nice to have some time where you can sit back and relax! If possible, start building a quiet reading space in your home — it could be as simple as a chair next to a window or a cozy spot under a bookshelf that holds books you love
7. 10 Minutes or 10 Pages
Picking a book to read only for 10 minutes or 10 pages is a good way to trick yourself into starting reading again. Most likely you will keep on reading for longer but even if you don’t at least you started. Making this a daily habit can help you get through your TBR faster.
Reading is an incredible activity, but it’s also one that requires a lot of time and energy. If you’re feeling like you don’t have enough of either right now, don’t despair! There are plenty of ways to get back into the swing of things — and even if your reading slump lasts for weeks or months at a time implementing at least one of these tips can help you get out of the reading rut faster.
What is your go-to method to beat the reading slump?
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