Fury by Elizabeth Miles

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Fury is the first book from The Fury Trilogy. The story of the book is located in Ascension, Maine. It's winter time and everything is looking peaceful but it just seems that way.

The main character is Emily who loves parties with her friends and holidays but this year is even better for her because guy that she likes finally notice her. Only problem is that this guy is her best friend boyfriend. On the other side we have Chase who is basketball player. He is having problems with his social life. He did something bad and now the karma is following him. Mistakes that they both did can be deathly and three mysterious girls has their destiny in their hands. 

I read this book quit fast. Although I'm not very into that kind of books. I'm more for romantic story's. At the beginning it was good but nothing special. Then  when I get at the half of the book there were some twist and turns and I just kept reading. From that part it was really interesting. It was nice to read that kind of book for a change.  I'm planing to buy the second and third book too. I'm interesting in what's going to happen next. This book wasn't on my Reading Challenge list. I got it for my birthday so I wanted to read it first. Now I'm reading Anna Karenina. 
