Best Way To Train Your Concentration ~ Pomodoro Technique

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Do you have trouble concentrating?

A few months ago I noticed that my concentration was getting worse and worse. I just couldn’t focus long enough on just one thing without getting distracted. The biggest cause of my distraction was social media. 

Because of the constant scrolling and the ability to do a lot of different things at once, it was like my brain is constantly hopping from one thing to another. I guess it is because I got used to always start different tasks at once and my attention span was short.

Do you have trouble concentrating?

A few months ago I noticed that my concentration was getting worse and worse. I just couldn’t focus long enough on just one thing without getting distracted. The biggest cause of my distraction was social media. 

Because of the constant scrolling and the ability to do a lot of different things at once, it was like my brain is constantly hopping from one thing to another. I guess it is because I got used to always start different tasks at once and my attention span was short.