Busy start of summer...

Monday, July 8, 2013


                                                     Me on gas station-


                                               -This is the dog that I fell for, he came to me. He comes from France-

                                                - This is a cat that someone had left. I named him Lucky.  My friend took it to himself

    Before last week, immediately after the end of the school year I went to work at the gas station, precisely monitors pulleys. I worked with my sister and friend. It was fun, but also quite hard. I worked two weeks in the afternoon. Thank God for good weather so we had a lot of work to do. I met a lot of different people from different places and had the opportunity to speak in German and English (I think that my teacher would be proud of me). Believe me it sounded very funny.:) I'm glad I took the opportunity and I alone earn money so I can afford what I want. Honestly as much as it was fun and all, I'm glad it is over, because now my summer has finally begun!!!!

                                                            ♥ ;)


                                                     Me on gas station-


                                               -This is the dog that I fell for, he came to me. He comes from France-

                                                - This is a cat that someone had left. I named him Lucky.  My friend took it to himself

    Before last week, immediately after the end of the school year I went to work at the gas station, precisely monitors pulleys. I worked with my sister and friend. It was fun, but also quite hard. I worked two weeks in the afternoon. Thank God for good weather so we had a lot of work to do. I met a lot of different people from different places and had the opportunity to speak in German and English (I think that my teacher would be proud of me). Believe me it sounded very funny.:) I'm glad I took the opportunity and I alone earn money so I can afford what I want. Honestly as much as it was fun and all, I'm glad it is over, because now my summer has finally begun!!!!

                                                            ♥ ;)