Best Photo Editing Apps & How I Edit Instagram Photos

Friday, April 6, 2018

World of photography got a whole new meaning when the Instagram and technology got on the scene. You can now take beautiful photos without any special equipment, edit them and share with the world in just a few minutes. With so many beautiful accounts standing out is something that can be quite hard. Knowing your theme and developing your own aesthetics isn’t something you can do overnight. 

World of photography got a whole new meaning when the Instagram and technology got on the scene. You can now take beautiful photos without any special equipment, edit them and share with the world in just a few minutes. With so many beautiful accounts standing out is something that can be quite hard. Knowing your theme and developing your own aesthetics isn’t something you can do overnight. 

What To Do When You Don't Feel Creative & Inspired Anymore?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

We all get in that slump where we just don’t feel inspired at all or in some aspects of our lives. It doesn’t matter if you are in creative business or not. It’s just that those who create for living or that are generally more creative as a person feel it stronger and it can have a bigger effect on their lives. It’s the biggest nightmare of most influencers and any kind of creators. Some deal with it better and some (like myself) struggle to get out of it. For those who struggle a lot I have a few tips that might help you get that creativity flowing again. 

We all get in that slump where we just don’t feel inspired at all or in some aspects of our lives. It doesn’t matter if you are in creative business or not. It’s just that those who create for living or that are generally more creative as a person feel it stronger and it can have a bigger effect on their lives. It’s the biggest nightmare of most influencers and any kind of creators. Some deal with it better and some (like myself) struggle to get out of it. For those who struggle a lot I have a few tips that might help you get that creativity flowing again. 

Boost Your Immune System With These Natural Remedies

Monday, April 2, 2018

Weather changes have a big impact on our body and health. More so in this transitional period when we can definitely feel those changes intensified. It’s so easy to catch a cold, virus or, even worse, flue. Health is definitely one of the most important things and knowing the ways to keep it in check without consuming any antibiotics or any other chemicals is always amazing. I want to share with you few of the best natural remedies that will keep your immune system strong and ready to fight any virus or bacteria. 

Weather changes have a big impact on our body and health. More so in this transitional period when we can definitely feel those changes intensified. It’s so easy to catch a cold, virus or, even worse, flue. Health is definitely one of the most important things and knowing the ways to keep it in check without consuming any antibiotics or any other chemicals is always amazing. I want to share with you few of the best natural remedies that will keep your immune system strong and ready to fight any virus or bacteria. 

Month Without A Phone? It’s Not As Hard As It May Seem!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Yes, you read it right. I’ve been completely without a mobile phone for at least three weeks now. I’m sure that this is the worst nightmare for most of you and I definitely know why it may be like that. I didn’t think that I would last this long without a phone, although it’s particularly because of me that I don’t have it already. I for sure learned a lot in those two weeks and would like to share with you my thoughts. 

Yes, you read it right. I’ve been completely without a mobile phone for at least three weeks now. I’m sure that this is the worst nightmare for most of you and I definitely know why it may be like that. I didn’t think that I would last this long without a phone, although it’s particularly because of me that I don’t have it already. I for sure learned a lot in those two weeks and would like to share with you my thoughts. 

Simple Things You Can Do Today For Healthier Skin

Monday, March 5, 2018

Healthy and fresh skin is probably a dream of most girls, especially the ones who struggle with their skin. I’m definitely among those and constantly trying to find the best natural ways to take care of my not-so-great-at-the-moment skin. This constant search can get a little bit disheartening when you feel like you’ve tried every single skincare product and treatment but you can see a long term result. I wanted to share with you simple things I do to make my skin at least a little bit more healthy and fresh. 

Healthy and fresh skin is probably a dream of most girls, especially the ones who struggle with their skin. I’m definitely among those and constantly trying to find the best natural ways to take care of my not-so-great-at-the-moment skin. This constant search can get a little bit disheartening when you feel like you’ve tried every single skincare product and treatment but you can see a long term result. I wanted to share with you simple things I do to make my skin at least a little bit more healthy and fresh. 

You're Ruining Your Skin Without Realizing While Doing These Things

Monday, February 26, 2018

Sometimes we tend to do things to our skin with good intention but we don’t realize that it actually has a bad effect on it. As frustrating as it can be when you’re trying to have a clear and healthy skin and not seeing result it’s definitely there. You just need to be more patient and not do the things that will make all that effort go away in a second. Here are some things that you should stop doing if you want to maintain the health of your skin on a long run. 

Sometimes we tend to do things to our skin with good intention but we don’t realize that it actually has a bad effect on it. As frustrating as it can be when you’re trying to have a clear and healthy skin and not seeing result it’s definitely there. You just need to be more patient and not do the things that will make all that effort go away in a second. Here are some things that you should stop doing if you want to maintain the health of your skin on a long run. 

3 Things To Do On Sunday For An Amazing Week Ahead

Sunday, February 25, 2018

I’m pretty sure that Sunday is for most of you day to relax and charge your battery after a long week. It’s also a great day to do the things that will help you have an amazing week ahead as well. As you are probably in a great mood already why not to transfer that on the next week with 3 simple things you can easily do. I promise you that those will be the most productive minutes of your Sunday.

I’m pretty sure that Sunday is for most of you day to relax and charge your battery after a long week. It’s also a great day to do the things that will help you have an amazing week ahead as well. As you are probably in a great mood already why not to transfer that on the next week with 3 simple things you can easily do. I promise you that those will be the most productive minutes of your Sunday.

Is Social Media Taking Over Your Life? Put It Under Control

Friday, February 23, 2018

Oh how easy it is to get lost in all the social medias. It seems like there is a new one popping out every single day. The status and acceptability are measured by the likes, shares and comments you get on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. It’s crazy how easy we can all get sucked into that virtual world and identified it with the real one. How many times did the 5 minute scroll through Instagram end up being a few hours liking photos and immersing in life of people you don’t even know? We’ve all been there. 

Oh how easy it is to get lost in all the social medias. It seems like there is a new one popping out every single day. The status and acceptability are measured by the likes, shares and comments you get on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. It’s crazy how easy we can all get sucked into that virtual world and identified it with the real one. How many times did the 5 minute scroll through Instagram end up being a few hours liking photos and immersing in life of people you don’t even know? We’ve all been there. 

5 Korean Dramas To Binge Watch Right Now

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

You already know how much I like to share with you my current obsessions and Korean dramas are definitely one of the recent ones. I honestly never even thought that I would be so deep in K-dramas world as usually all of my obsessions last for just a few months, especially when it comes to TV. 

You already know how much I like to share with you my current obsessions and Korean dramas are definitely one of the recent ones. I honestly never even thought that I would be so deep in K-dramas world as usually all of my obsessions last for just a few months, especially when it comes to TV. 

Relax In 15 Minutes or Less! Here's How!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Stress is something we deal with on daily bases. Some days are more and other are less nerve wracking. Living in  a world where everything is moving so fast and we are constantly  all over the place we tend to forget to stop for a minute and listen to our body. Filling tired, anxious and nervous is the sign that you need to relax. For some people it can be pretty hard to find the best and quickest method to relax so here are some ways that might help you. 

Stress is something we deal with on daily bases. Some days are more and other are less nerve wracking. Living in  a world where everything is moving so fast and we are constantly  all over the place we tend to forget to stop for a minute and listen to our body. Filling tired, anxious and nervous is the sign that you need to relax. For some people it can be pretty hard to find the best and quickest method to relax so here are some ways that might help you. 

Stay In the Moment, Not In Your Social Media

Sunday, February 18, 2018

With all the social media and technology that we use daily the now old-fashioned way of enjoying life is definitely pushed on the back seat. Knowing when it’s okay to enjoy that moment without publishing it on the Instagram or sharing it on Twitter is sometimes quite hard. We are so immersed in what’s going on in every single social media and how to keep up with all of them that sometimes that precious moment just pass by. 

With all the social media and technology that we use daily the now old-fashioned way of enjoying life is definitely pushed on the back seat. Knowing when it’s okay to enjoy that moment without publishing it on the Instagram or sharing it on Twitter is sometimes quite hard. We are so immersed in what’s going on in every single social media and how to keep up with all of them that sometimes that precious moment just pass by.