Find Your Way In The Big City

Monday, September 18, 2017

Finding your way in the big city can be quite stressful, trust me as a countryside girl I know that from personal experience. Everything about city is so rushed and hectic. Everybody is in their own worlds trying to go at their destination as fast as they can. But living there doesn’t need to be so bad if you take advantage of what it can offer you. 

Finding your way in the big city can be quite stressful, trust me as a countryside girl I know that from personal experience. Everything about city is so rushed and hectic. Everybody is in their own worlds trying to go at their destination as fast as they can. But living there doesn’t need to be so bad if you take advantage of what it can offer you. 

Don't Know Which K-drama To Watch? Check Out These Ones

Monday, September 11, 2017

So if you follow me on twitter you might noticed that I’ve been into K-dramas recently. It has been my latest obsession. I accidentally saw some clips on YouTube and decided to give them a go. I’ve watched 3 dramas in 3 days which is very for me as I never binge watch a TV show.

So if you follow me on twitter you might noticed that I’ve been into K-dramas recently. It has been my latest obsession. I accidentally saw some clips on YouTube and decided to give them a go. I’ve watched 3 dramas in 3 days which is very for me as I never binge watch a TV show.

Fun Things You Should Do This Autumn

Thursday, September 7, 2017

For some people Autumn isn't the best season. With lots of rainy days and changeable weather you might loose the desire to actually have some fun. Let me tell you something... Autumn is so much fun. You just need to get in that mind set and start to enjoy it. 

For some people Autumn isn't the best season. With lots of rainy days and changeable weather you might loose the desire to actually have some fun. Let me tell you something... Autumn is so much fun. You just need to get in that mind set and start to enjoy it. 

The Subtle Art Of Saying What You Mean

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Honestly is one of the biggest virtues. We should all be able to say what’s on our minds without being judged. Words are very powerful and we need to use them wisely. In this social media era where you can share your opinion without any consequences we forget to be kind and that words can hurt. 

Honestly is one of the biggest virtues. We should all be able to say what’s on our minds without being judged. Words are very powerful and we need to use them wisely. In this social media era where you can share your opinion without any consequences we forget to be kind and that words can hurt. 

How To Be Alone Without Feeling Lonely

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Being alone and being lonely are two complete different things. You can be alone and feel happy with your own company and relaxed but also you can be alone feeling sad and unaccepted. Sometimes we just need a little bit of help to get in that state of loving our time by ourselves and knowing what to do to stop feeling lonely. 

Being alone and being lonely are two complete different things. You can be alone and feel happy with your own company and relaxed but also you can be alone feeling sad and unaccepted. Sometimes we just need a little bit of help to get in that state of loving our time by ourselves and knowing what to do to stop feeling lonely. 

September Resolution!

Monday, September 4, 2017

It’s September which for me means that Autumn is here. I’m sure that we all share that confusion on how is it the end of the year and the C word in like four months but that doesn’t change the fact that this month will pass by very quickly. After having a great August I’m looking forward to see what September will bring 

It’s September which for me means that Autumn is here. I’m sure that we all share that confusion on how is it the end of the year and the C word in like four months but that doesn’t change the fact that this month will pass by very quickly. After having a great August I’m looking forward to see what September will bring 

Loving Lately || August

Thursday, August 31, 2017

August was a pretty interesting month for me. I accomplished some great things here on my blog and social Medias but also in personal life things have been pretty great. I’m actually very excited for Autumn and the fact that the temperatures are cooler and the weather has been starting to become more Autumnal makes me very happy.

August was a pretty interesting month for me. I accomplished some great things here on my blog and social Medias but also in personal life things have been pretty great. I’m actually very excited for Autumn and the fact that the temperatures are cooler and the weather has been starting to become more Autumnal makes me very happy.

I Daily Blogged For A Month And I Survived

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I blogged every day for a month and it was very exciting. I wanted to do it for so long and I'm so glad I did it as I realized a few things. Although I'm not going to keep daily blogging in September I'll definitely do it in the future. I now have even more respect for bloggers who've been daily blogging for years as it's something you really need to work hard on.

I blogged every day for a month and it was very exciting. I wanted to do it for so long and I'm so glad I did it as I realized a few things. Although I'm not going to keep daily blogging in September I'll definitely do it in the future. I now have even more respect for bloggers who've been daily blogging for years as it's something you really need to work hard on.

Long-Distance Relationship With Your Bestfriend

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

When you think about long-distance relationship you probably first think about long- distance relationship between couples. I wanted to talk about other kind that I don’t think lot of people think about. It’s the long-distance relationship between best friends. I’m sure that some of you experienced it and know how hard it can be but it’s definitely not impossible.

When you think about long-distance relationship you probably first think about long- distance relationship between couples. I wanted to talk about other kind that I don’t think lot of people think about. It’s the long-distance relationship between best friends. I’m sure that some of you experienced it and know how hard it can be but it’s definitely not impossible.

Things To Do Before New Academic Year

Monday, August 28, 2017

It's back to school and college season again and I always get that mixed feelings when I think about going back. I’m excited about the new year and fresh start but also nervous for what the future holds. While we still have a few more weeks till the new beginning here are some of the things I think we all need to do. 

It's back to school and college season again and I always get that mixed feelings when I think about going back. I’m excited about the new year and fresh start but also nervous for what the future holds. While we still have a few more weeks till the new beginning here are some of the things I think we all need to do. 

20 Blog Post Ideas For This Autumn

Sunday, August 27, 2017

I'm aware that it's not even September yet but I'm so excited for Autumn. I'm so done with this hot weather and just want that crispy air and misty mornings. I've written down some blog post ideas for the exciting season of Autumn and decided to share them with you as well. 

I'm aware that it's not even September yet but I'm so excited for Autumn. I'm so done with this hot weather and just want that crispy air and misty mornings. I've written down some blog post ideas for the exciting season of Autumn and decided to share them with you as well.