Christmas Traditions Around The World

Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas is such a joyful time of the year and probably the most loved holiday of them all. Some people focus more on the religious part of celebrating Christmas, others enjoy the Santa Clause version while there are those who combine the two. What makes Christmas so special are all the traditions that go with it. Each country, town, and family have different traditions that make this time of the year so magical. 

Christmas is such a joyful time of the year and probably the most loved holiday of them all. Some people focus more on the religious part of celebrating Christmas, others enjoy the Santa Clause version while there are those who combine the two. What makes Christmas so special are all the traditions that go with it. Each country, town, and family have different traditions that make this time of the year so magical. 

10 Cozy Things To Do This Holiday Season

Monday, December 14, 2020

We are currently in one of the most joyful and coziest seasons of the year. December is the month that brings so much light and magic into our life. December of 2020 shouldn't be any different. It might take a little bit more effort to make it the best it can be but that shouldn't stop us. There are so many amazing things you can do to bring a holiday spirit into your everyday life. If there is one word I would use to describe this time of the year then it would be "cozy". What we all need is that warm feeling around our hearts. Here are some activities that can help you achieve that. 

We are currently in one of the most joyful and coziest seasons of the year. December is the month that brings so much light and magic into our life. December of 2020 shouldn't be any different. It might take a little bit more effort to make it the best it can be but that shouldn't stop us. There are so many amazing things you can do to bring a holiday spirit into your everyday life. If there is one word I would use to describe this time of the year then it would be "cozy". What we all need is that warm feeling around our hearts. Here are some activities that can help you achieve that. 

How To Get Into Christmas Spirit

Monday, December 7, 2020

How to get into Christmas spirit

Shops are filled with Christmas decorations, streets are shining because of the fairy lights, wherever you look you can feel that Christmas is closer and closer. While all of this may imply that it is easy for everyone to get into the Christmas spirit, well that is not the truth. It is not strange that some people feel overwhelmed and pressured to feel joyful throughout the whole of December. We can see all the Christmas adverts and assumption that there is the right way to get into the Christmas spirit and that is from the 1st of December. 

How to get into Christmas spirit

Shops are filled with Christmas decorations, streets are shining because of the fairy lights, wherever you look you can feel that Christmas is closer and closer. While all of this may imply that it is easy for everyone to get into the Christmas spirit, well that is not the truth. It is not strange that some people feel overwhelmed and pressured to feel joyful throughout the whole of December. We can see all the Christmas adverts and assumption that there is the right way to get into the Christmas spirit and that is from the 1st of December. 

Meet My December Advertiser

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Blog you need to read

Happy December! Who would've thought that the last month of this crazy year is already here? December is always the most exciting and busiest month for most people. 

Christmas is definitely going to look a little bit different than usual, isn't it? Different doesn't need to mean bad so I'm looking forward to it. I'll definitely spend my holiday reading books and blogs. While we are talking about blogs let's meet my December advertiser. 

Blog you need to read

Happy December! Who would've thought that the last month of this crazy year is already here? December is always the most exciting and busiest month for most people. 

Christmas is definitely going to look a little bit different than usual, isn't it? Different doesn't need to mean bad so I'm looking forward to it. I'll definitely spend my holiday reading books and blogs. While we are talking about blogs let's meet my December advertiser. 

5 Things I've Learned From "Warrior Of The Light" by Paulo Coelho

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian author whose books have been loved by millions of people all around the world. He is most known for The Alchemist. A book that's been around since 1988. Can you believe that I still haven't read it? Yeah, neither can I. Well, last month I decided to get myself a copy of Warrior of the Light. I ordered it from Bookdepository and I read it in one day. While some find this book overrated and unclear, I found it quite mind provoking and poetic. I love books from which you can learn valuable things and this book was full of simple yet meaningful short notes. 

Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian author whose books have been loved by millions of people all around the world. He is most known for The Alchemist. A book that's been around since 1988. Can you believe that I still haven't read it? Yeah, neither can I. Well, last month I decided to get myself a copy of Warrior of the Light. I ordered it from Bookdepository and I read it in one day. While some find this book overrated and unclear, I found it quite mind provoking and poetic. I love books from which you can learn valuable things and this book was full of simple yet meaningful short notes. 

4 Ecotherapy Activities For Instant Mood Boost

Monday, November 16, 2020


Have you heard about ecotherapy before? 

This is the most inexpensive therapy you will ever get in your life. Ecotherapy is an approach that is based on the idea that human beings have a deep connection to their environment and to the earth itself. Ecotherapy can increasingly improve your overall wellbeing. There are different approaches you can take to ecotherapy. It all depends on your personal likings and lifestyle. Here are some of the activities that can boost your mood and make your day, week, month, and year much better. 


Have you heard about ecotherapy before? 

This is the most inexpensive therapy you will ever get in your life. Ecotherapy is an approach that is based on the idea that human beings have a deep connection to their environment and to the earth itself. Ecotherapy can increasingly improve your overall wellbeing. There are different approaches you can take to ecotherapy. It all depends on your personal likings and lifestyle. Here are some of the activities that can boost your mood and make your day, week, month, and year much better. 

3 Casual & Comfy Autumn Outfits Anyone Can Pull Off

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Putting together outfits can sometimes be a real struggle. I admire those who are just born with a good sense of style. Some people can look good so effortlessly. If you are like me and need some help with putting your outfit together then welcome. I decided to come up with three casual and comfy outfits that everyone can pull off. To make them suit your style more you can always add some accessories and play with the color palette. 

Putting together outfits can sometimes be a real struggle. I admire those who are just born with a good sense of style. Some people can look good so effortlessly. If you are like me and need some help with putting your outfit together then welcome. I decided to come up with three casual and comfy outfits that everyone can pull off. To make them suit your style more you can always add some accessories and play with the color palette. 

Meet My November Advertiser

Thursday, November 5, 2020


Can you believe that it is November already? 

I'm not even going to start on all the things that have been happening this year and how it completely changed most of our lives. I want to keep it positive and the best way to do it is to share with you one online space you need to know about. We all need some distraction and the internet is the one place we all look for it. 

Sometimes it can be a black hole of negativity and it can make you feel even worse. To stop that from happening here is a website you need to check for ultimate good vibes and positivity. 


Can you believe that it is November already? 

I'm not even going to start on all the things that have been happening this year and how it completely changed most of our lives. I want to keep it positive and the best way to do it is to share with you one online space you need to know about. We all need some distraction and the internet is the one place we all look for it. 

Sometimes it can be a black hole of negativity and it can make you feel even worse. To stop that from happening here is a website you need to check for ultimate good vibes and positivity. 

4 Reasons You're Not Getting Things Done

Monday, November 2, 2020

Do you have a hard time starting and finishing your assignments? 

Well, you are not the only one. Getting things done, especially when we have a deadline is not that easy. There are different factors that are making it even harder. Sometimes we are not even aware of the things that are holding us back from doing what we need to. After reflecting on my lifestyle I noticed some patterns. I decided to share with you 4 reasons that are probably stopping you from getting things done. 

Do you have a hard time starting and finishing your assignments? 

Well, you are not the only one. Getting things done, especially when we have a deadline is not that easy. There are different factors that are making it even harder. Sometimes we are not even aware of the things that are holding us back from doing what we need to. After reflecting on my lifestyle I noticed some patterns. I decided to share with you 4 reasons that are probably stopping you from getting things done. 

5 Ways To Get Better Sleep This Week

Monday, October 19, 2020

5 ways to get better sleep this week

Not being able to fall asleep or waking up feeling tired is something we all experienced at least once. Sleep holds a big role in keeping our body and mind working smoothly. Neglecting it or sacrificing for other things is going to haunt you later on. While it may seem like you will never have a good night's sleep, don't get discouraged. There are probably some methods that you haven't tried yet. Maybe some of them are hiding in this post. 
5 ways to get better sleep this week

Not being able to fall asleep or waking up feeling tired is something we all experienced at least once. Sleep holds a big role in keeping our body and mind working smoothly. Neglecting it or sacrificing for other things is going to haunt you later on. While it may seem like you will never have a good night's sleep, don't get discouraged. There are probably some methods that you haven't tried yet. Maybe some of them are hiding in this post.